All Dry Sub-Floor

At All-Dry we allow you a choice in most all cases. However, if we see that you absolutely need an under-floor drainage system we will advise, recommend, and even insist, that you have that done. Though the baseboard system will work splendidly in almost all cases, sometimes another approach is needed because of conditions that have manifested in your basement.

Other times you may just decide that the other style of waterproofing is what you really want. Well, either way All-Dry will have the answer. You see, at All-Dry we are very well practiced at installing a variety, or even a combination of systems. In some cases a variety of solutions becomes a “smooth combination” and the answer to solving your basement water problems.

This All-Dry installed under-floor (sub-slab) system consists of a membrane which is integrated with an extremely reliable, and time-tested, sub-floor drainage tile which is designed to capture water intruding under floor and transport it to your sump pump for removal. The system’s design is uniquely multi-faceted as we marry modern waterproofing technology with “old school” waterproofing methods which provides a highly effective drainage system allowing MORE water to enter MORE efficiently from MORE directions and that allows extraction of more water back to the outside. It’s also more work, but will be well worth it.

In properly installing such a system, as with any, there are many proprietary details. 
Contact Us
3615 Mall Ridge St, 
Jefferson City, MO 65109
(573) 893-9434
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